Meet the Science Teachers

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Students recently in chemistry investigated the properties of dry ice and how they relate to different states of matter. Both temperature and pressure determine what state of matter a substance is in. In this lab, we witnessed a rare feat - the triple point - where a substance is experiencing solid, liquid, and gas phases simultaneously! We showed this using dry ice, the solid form of carbon dioxide. Watch what happens when the pressure continues to build in the system!

Friday, May 24, 2019

Physics - 10th grade - Mr. Cowell

This week in Physics students have been using the Power of their own bodies to lift objects and climb stairs... all normal daily activities, but these students are using equations to calculate exactly how powerful they are as they perform these actions! The wattage of a leg or arm is no different from the wattage of a light bulb, as these students are discovering! 
The Lesson: How much power does a human have? As much as they are willing to utilize!

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Blake science
Our trout release in 7th grade science exploration was a huge success!  
In April, we released more than 500 trout into the Charles River.  
It was a great experience to raise the trout from eggs, study their life cycle, habitat, anatomy and
water quality requirements and then finally to release them!